Glossary of Video Game Terms

Achievement - The reward for an in-game challenge, similar to a trophy.

AoE - Area of effect; an action that affects a large area rather than a specific target, e.g. an explosive.

Avatar - A player’s character, especially when the character is customizable.

Battle Royale - A game in which many players fight to the death until only one is left standing. Also used for non-violent games in which people can be eliminated from competition.

Boss - A huge enemy, usually the final challenge.

Broken - Describes an item or character that is so powerful that it makes the game unfair.

Browser Game - A video game designed to be played within an internet browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.

Buff - To modify the game’s programming to make an item or character more powerful. See also “Nerf.”

Checkpoint - A safe place in a game in which one can recover and save progress.

Class - A character’s occupation, e.g. archer, fighter, wizard, or druid.

Completionist - Someone who enjoys exploring games to find every secret.

Con - See Convention.

Console - A computer-like device which is designed specifically to run various games.

Controller - A device held in both hands that is used to communicate desired actions to the gaming device.

Convention - A large, in-person event for fans of a particular medium or game.

Cosplay - Dressing as a fictional character, often in homemade costumes.

Cutscene - A brief, non-interactive video clip within a game which advances the narrative.

Discord - A website and app which allows people to communicate with one another, commonly used by gamers.

DLC - Downloadable Content; additional content that can be added to an existing game.

Doxxing - Finding and publishing someone’s real-life information online, often including their full name and address, in order to harm them.

DPS - Damage Per Second; refers either to the amount a given character can hurt others or to a character designed to maximize this statistic.

Drop - An item left behind by a defeated enemy.

Easter Egg - A fun secret put in by game developers for players to find.

eSports - Competitive video gaming in tournaments.

ESRB - Entertainment Software Ratings Board; a group that assigns suggested age limits to games based on content.

Exp. - See Experience Points.

Experience Points - Numerical representations of how much a character has learned. When one has accumulated enough experience points, additional skills or power is added.

F2P - See Free-to-play.

Final Boss - An intimidating enemy at the very end of a game.

Free-to-play - A game which costs no money to play, but has optional in-game items to purchase.

FtP - See Free-to-play.

Gear - Equipment characters wear or use to accomplish tasks.

GG - Good Game; Typed by players at the end of a match to show good sportsmanship.

Grinding - Performing repetitive, simple tasks to earn strengthen one’s character, gather items, or earn in-game currency.

Headshot - The action of firing a projectile into a character or another player’s head, resulting in instant death.

Healer - A character who focuses on helping their teammates recover from injuries.

HP - Hit Points; a measure of how much damage a character can take before fainting or dying.

IRL - In Real Life; in the physical world, as opposed to a virtual one.

Level - A measure of how powerful a character is. Also a specific challenge to be beaten within a game before advancing to the next one.

Loot Box - A container with an assortment of useful items that can be purchased without knowing what it contains.

Meat Shield - Slang for a tank; a character which defends others by taking damage instead of the teammates.

Microtransactions - Small optional purchases within a game.

MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online (game); a game in which many people can play and interact with one another simultaneously.

MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game; an online role playing game which many people can play and interact with one another simultaneously.

MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena; a sports-like game which involves direct competition, usually featuring two teams defending their own territory.

Mobile Game - A video game designed to be played on a portable device like a phone or tablet.

Mod - Modification; an alteration to a game’s code to make it act differently than intended.

MP - Magic Points/Mana Points; a measure of how much magic power a character has left.

Multiplayer - Describes games that support more than one player.

Nerf - To modify the game’s programming to make an item or character less powerful. See also “Buff.”

Noob - Newbie; someone unskilled at a game or task.

NPC - Non-player character; a character controlled by the computer rather than a live person.

OP - Overpowered; describes an item or character which is too strong.

Platform - The device on which a game is played, e.g., phone, computer, PS5, Nintendo Switch.

Platformer - A kind of game in which one must avoid obstacles and leap across a series of floating platforms to reach the end of the level.

POG/Poggers - Play of the Game; the most interesting part of a match. Also slang for “cool.”

Quest - A task within a game assigned to the player.

Race - In the context of a Role Playing Game, the species of a given character, e.g., elf, orc, dwarf, or human.

RNG - Random Number Generator; refers to the probability calculations which games use to affect outcomes. Sometimes used as a shorthand for “luck.”

RPG - Role Playing Game; a game in which the player acts as a fictional character within a world, e.g. playing as a knight in a medieval kingdom.

Server - A virtual space in which people can interact with one another.

Single-player - Describes games designed to be played alone.

Skins - Cosmetic, non-functional changes to a character or item, e.g., alternate clothing colors or hairstyles.

Speedrunning - Trying to complete a video game as fast as possible, often trying to beat others’ record times.

Steam - A downloadable computer program which hosts and sells a wide variety of video games.

Streamer - A person who broadcasts their activities to a live audience who watch online.

Sus - Suspicious.

Tank - A character who focuses on defending and protecting their teammates from harm.

Trolling - Intentionally upsetting others for fun.

Twitch - A website which features live videos of people, most commonly while they play and comment on video games.